
Destin Water Users, Inc is private not for profit corporation, which is headquartered in Destin, Florida, with a service area covering most of the City of Destin and portions of unincorporated Okaloosa County, Florida. DWU is tax exempt under IRS code 501(c)12. The company provides service to over 12,000 people in the winter months and over 40,000 in summer months.

Destin Water Users, Inc. filed Articles of Incorporation on September 9, 1963. Initial system construction began immediately following the lead and financing assistance of the Farmers Home Administration. Growth of the system has been steady through the years. Wastewater capabilities were added in 1972. In the early 90’s, several small systems in the area were acquired and consolidated within the corporation. In 1985, reclaimed water capabilities were developed and this highly treated wastewater was sent to the Indian Bayou Golf Course. The beneficial reuse of reclaimed water in public access areas makes the system one of the first in Florida and one of the most mature.


The Articles of Incorporation established governance by a nine person board of directors. The directors are elected by the membership of the corporation and each director must be a member of the corporation. Essentially, the members are responsible for the utility. The board members serve three year terms with the terms staggered so that the benefit of continuity can be obtained. The board is responsible for all activities of the corporation with two of their most important duties involving fiscal responsibility and service capability. The directors are elected at the annual meeting of the corporation which is set for the first Monday of March.


Management of the day to day activities of the corporation is performed by the General Manager who reports directly to the board of directors and is responsible for implementing the policies and guidelines set by the board.

  • General Manager of the Corporation is Lockwood Wernet