The following rate schedule is effective for the January billing, 2025. Rates are broken into classes of residential, commercial, motel, condominium, restaurant, and non-drinking.
Your utility bill will identify the number of gallons used for the period of service. A monthly base facility charge is applied to all active and temporary inactive accounts. Additional charges are applied for water consumed thereafter.
Base Facility Charges | |
Residential | $15.39 per unit |
Commercial, Restaurant, Hydrant, Pool, Yard, Non-Drinking | $26.93 per unit |
Motel | $10.77 per unit |
Condominium | $13.85 per unit |
Volumetric Charges
Residential Class:
Block (Gallons) Rate per 1,000 Gallons
0 – 5,000 | $3.22 |
5,001 – 10,000 | $3.58 |
10,001 – 15,000 | $4.46 |
15,001 – 50,000 | $5.36 |
50,001 + | $7.14 |
Condo Class:
Block (Gallons per Unit) Rate per 1,000 Gallons
0 – 4,500 | $3.22 |
4,501 – 9,000 | $3.58 |
9,001 – 13,500 | $4.46 |
13,501 – 45,000 | $5.36 |
45,001 + | $7.14 |
Commercial, Restaurant, Motel, and Pool Class with sewer:
All flow (per 1,000 gallons) $4.28
Non-Drinking includes – Hydrant, Yard, Marina and Dock. Water only Pool and Commercial:
All flow (per 1,000 gallons) $7.68
Unlike water, wastewater is an unmetered service. Therefore, the sewer bill is based upon a base charge and water usage.
Base Facility Charges | |
Residential | $34.83 per unit |
Commercial | $60.93 per unit |
Motel | $24.40 per unit |
Condominium | $31.37 per unit |
Restaurant | $60.93 per unit |
Volumetric Charges
Residential* and Condo Class:
All flow (per 1,000 gallons) $2.47
Commercial, Motel, and Restaurant Class:
All flow (per 1,000 gallons) $2.99
User Types
Our accounts include multiple service types. These include but are not limited to:
Single family detached, single family attached (townhouses, duplexes, triplexes), Mobile homes or individually metered apartments.
Condominium or master metered apartments.
Hotel/ Motel:
Hotels, motels or campgrounds.
All commercial operations are included in the definition, except restaurants. This includes public restrooms and shower areas.
Yard Meters:
Water service used exclusively for irrigation or car/boat washing and metered separately from other uses. Yard meters are no longer issued.
Membership and Deposits
Membership fee:
Each meter connection is required to have $30.00 membership fee which is refundable at the time service is disconnected.
Each meter connection is required to have a $50.00 deposit which is refundable at the time service is disconnected.
Each meter connection deposit is dependent upon the type of service and size of water meter requested. The deposit is refundable at the time service is disconnected.
Administrative fee:
Each connection is charged a non-refundable $15.00 administrative fee.
Service Charges:
Service requested before 12:00 p.m. $15.00
Same day service requested after 12:00 p.m. $25.00
Same day service requested after 4:00 p.m. $50.00
Service Charges and Penalties
A $15.00 administrative charge will be charged for the following:
- Normal disconnection of service.
- Customer requests us to turn water off/on. Customer will pay base charges during this period.
- Reread fee (first reading and a reread resulting in the initial reading being found to be incorrect are at no charge).
- Walk through inspection of a property where the water is on for up to 24 hours for the purpose of property inspection only.
Account Transfer
A $30.00 administrative charge will be charged when an account is transferred from one location to another within the service area.
Non Payment
A service processed to be disconnected for non-payment will be charged a $35.00 administrative fee.
Cleaning Water
A $40.00 administrative fee will be charged for activating cleaning water on an account. This fee covers two weeks of service and 3,000 gallons of water. If more water is used during the time the cleaning water is active, the customer that requested the cleaning water will be billed for the additional usage.
Late Payment
Bills are due the 15th of each month. Bills not paid by the 15th are charged a ten percent penalty.
Returned Checks
A $25.00 returned check fee will be charged if the face value of the check does not exceed $50.00. A $30.00 returned check fee will be charged if the face value of the check exceeds $50.00 but does not exceed $300.00. A $40.00 returned check fee will be charged if the face value of the check exceeds $300.00. After 3 returned checks within a two year period the account will be placed on a cash only basis.
Payment and Billing Options
For your convenience, we have several different options available to you in order to pay your bill and access your account information as detailed below:
- Online Payments
You can pay your bill and view your balance online. All you need to do is set up your username and password at www.dwuinc.com. In order to do this, you will need to have your web ID handy which you can find printed on your Destin Water Users bill. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Check online. Please note that your payment can take up to three business days to post to your Destin Water Users Account. Payments received by Destin Water Users after the 15th of the month will be charged a ten percent late fee.
- Electronic Funds Transfer
Destin Water Users will directly debit your payment from your designated checking or savings account on the 15th of each month. Recurring payment from your credit card is available as well. Visit www.dwuinc.com to sign up for this option.
- Phone Payment
Telephone payments are to be made through the automated system by calling 1-833-454-2973. Please have your Web ID ready, this is printed on your statement.
- Drop Box
There is a drop box located outside the main Destin Water Users office for your convenience. We accept checks and money orders in the drop box, no cash please.
- Main Office
Our office accepts cash, credit, check and money order. We are opened from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday thru Friday (except holidays).
- Automated Line
We now have an automated phone line that is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. By calling 1-833-454-2973 you will be able to hear the balance, due date and be able to make a payment. You will need to have your web ID number handy in order to access your account information. This number is printed on your statement.
- E-Billing
Prefer e-mail to paper bills? We have you covered! Please contact a customer service representative or go online at www.dwuinc.com in order to obtain the necessary forms to sign up for our e-billing option.