Destin Water Users, Inc. is a member owned not for profit cooperative utility. The business of the corporation is to construct, maintain and operate a water and wastewater system for its members. The business affairs of the corporation are overseen by a seven-member Board of Directors elected from the membership of the corporation. The Directors are elected to staggered three-year terms. The Board members meet monthly to conduct their regular business and they also meet in special session from time to time to conduct business of the various subcommittees of the Board. The Directors receive no compensation for their services. Elections for the Board of Directors are held annually by secret mail-in ballot. Secret ballots will be mailed out around the end of January and the election results will be announced at the annual meeting. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the Board of Directors, here are the details on how to nominate a director.

Please print this form to nominate a Director
